The Novem Nexus Podcast
Navigating Your Financial Narrative
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Novem Nexus: Navigating Your Financial Narrative Welcome to Novem Nexus, where we explore the...
The Weekly Market Commentary
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Weekly Market Commentary 10/14/24
THE MARKETS There was a lot to celebrate last week! The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index closed above...
Weekly Market Commentary 9/30/24
THE MARKETS The Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500 Index hit a new all-time high last week. The S&P 500...
Weekly Market Commentary 9/23/24
THE MARKETS Rates moved lower and stocks moved higher. In 2022, the United States Federal Reserve...
Contact us at either location; Rochester, NY or Jupiter, FL
Rochester, NY Location
Novem Group
350 Linden Oaks #140
Rochester, NY 14625
P: 585-348-9525
F: 585-348-9513
Jupiter, FL Location
Novem Group
601 Heritage Dr #225
Jupiter, FL 33458
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday
Securities offered through Osaic Wealth, Inc. member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory Services offered through Osaic Advisory Services, LLC (Osaic Advisory) and Novem Group. Please refer to FINRA BrokerCheck for your representative’s firm affiliations. Novem Group is independent of OWI and OAS. Any opinions expressed in this forum are not the opinion or view of Novem Group, OWI, or OAS, and have not been reviewed for completeness or accuracy. Any comments or postings are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell securities or other financial instruments. Readers should conduct their own review and exercise judgment prior to investing. Investments are not guaranteed, involve risk, may result in a loss of principal, and are not suitable for all types of investors. Past performance does not guarantee future results. (10/24)